
27 Must-Know Website Personalization Statistics and Facts

Sep 3, 2024
10 Mins Read
Asma Malk

As a business, you understand that personalization is crucial for a successful marketing strategy. AND believe us, it has now become a standard practice for most businesses to stay on top of their game. 

So, what do you need to know about the latest website personalization statistics and facts to stay ahead of the curve?

In this blog, you will learn about the benefits of web personalization, current statistics, and facts, along with real-world examples to help you ace your marketing campaigns using personalized web or landing pages.

What Website Personalization Means?

Website personalization, also called one-to-one marketing, allows marketers to treat customers as individuals. In today's busy digital landscape, giving each website visitor a personalized customer experience helps online businesses shine.

It involves:

● Recommending products based on behavior, not just popular trends or rules.

● Personalizing the homepage or landing page with the shopper's interests or showing content based on the location.

● Personalizing website navigation to highlight users’ preferred categories.

● Using tailored pop-ups and banners based on customers’ browsing behavior or lifecycle stage.

Now that we understand what website personalization is, let's dive into the countless benefits it offers.

Benefits of Website Personalization

Website personalization brings clear benefits: 71% of consumers expect it from businesses, and up to 80% of customers are more likely to buy from companies that offer personalized content. (More on web personalization statistics will be discussed in the next section.)

Here’s why it’s worthwhile. 

Better User Experience 

Delivering relevant and engaging content enhances the user experience, boosts website traffic and lowers bounce rates. Happy users are more likely to return, building trust in your company. Thus improving search engine visibility and increasing conversions.


Increase website engagement by personalizing content based on location, preferences, or feedback. 

● If you're wondering how to do it, don't worry. Many web personalization tools can help you achieve this effortlessly. For instance, Relevic’s user-friendly interface simplifies personalizing your web pages. 

You can choose filters on the dashboard to tailor your website to your audience's needs and preferences.

Relevic’s canvas

Boost Conversions

Personalization boosts conversions by using tailored elements like CTA buttons, pop-ups, and landing pages. Relevant content is key to turning visitors into customers, so personalized websites result in more conversions.
Discover what works for each audience with A/B testing. Experiment to see which website version performs best. A/B testing reveals which content drives more conversions.

Pro tip:

● Consider your user's status. If a visitor is already a newsletter subscriber, direct them to book a demo instead. 

● Personalize the call-to-action or use tailored pop-ups to convert existing users instead of showing a subscription form.

Enhanced Targeting 

Personalization uses data from the website, browser, device, or user-provided info based on their actions, login details, or online purchases.

It allows precise targeting, allowing you to deliver the right content to the right visitors at the right time.

Pro tip:

● Create visitor profiles to deliver relevant content like offers, newsletters, or guides. 

● Use collected data to send personalized newsletters and target content with marketing automation. 

● Create dynamic campaigns that reach prospects at the right stage of their buyer's journey.

Improved Understanding of Consumers

Personalization helps you understand users' interests and needs better, so you can create engaging content that keeps them interested and engaged on your website.
When you understand your users' needs and know what they're searching for on your website, you can easily direct them to the right information, contacts, or products. This helps identify high-quality leads and provides your sales team with more ready-to-convert opportunities.

Pro tip:

● Guide customers on the website with different elements (like pop-ups, discounts, etc.) and offer unique website versions based on their preferences. 

● Enhance your understanding of customers by collecting visitor information through first-party cookies, prompting them to accept for better user experience. 

Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Show your customers that you value them by providing content, products, and suggestions that match their interests and past purchases. This way, they stay engaged, and you are better likely to retain them as your loyal customers. 

Pro tip:

● Foster brand loyalty by prompting return visits to your website with tailored suggestions of valuable content aligned with their interests.

● Show your appreciation by rewarding loyalty with personalized offers and exclusive discounts.

Get started with Relevic and personalize your website today for better conversions and enhanced ROI.
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We all know the benefits of website personalization. Here are some compelling statistics and facts to support it.

27 Website Personalization Statistics & Facts You Need to Know

We've gathered and analyzed the latest personalization statistics to help you succeed in 2024 and beyond.

Personalized product recommendations

1. Did you know 79% of consumers will share information about themselves if they get accurate product suggestions in return?

2️. Leverage personalization to boost conversions by offering product recommendations relevant to users interests (e.g., purchase histories). It can increase website conversions by 49%. 

3️. Also, nearly 45% of online shoppers prefer shopping on websites that provide personalized recommendations.

4️. Customized product suggestions on your website can enhance click-through rates by more than 100% compared to generic recommendations.

5️. Likewise, product recommendations on the website can increase sales by 112%.

Web Page Personalization

6️. Apart from tailored product recommendations, basic website personalization can boost sales by 14%.

7️. That’s why personalization has become a priority for 89% of digital businesses.

8️. In fact, 80% of users prefer to do business with companies that offer personalized experiences.

9️. 76% of users feel frustrated when companies don’t personalize their experiences.

1️0. 90% of top marketers say personalization boosts business profits.

11. 69% of customers want a consistent and personalized experience across all channels, but few companies are delivering it.

1️2. However, more than two-thirds (63%) of digital marketing executives still find it challenging to customize experiences for customers. 

Data-Driven Personalization

1️3. 69% of customers value personalization when it's based on data they've willingly shared with a business.

1️4. Customers expect businesses to understand their specific needs and preferences, yet 66% feel they're treated more like statistics than individuals.

1️5. 51% of customers believe companies aren't using their personal data to benefit them effectively.

1️6. 79% of customers are becoming more cautious about safeguarding their personal data.

Location-based Website Personalization

1️7. 67% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from companies with mobile sites or apps that tailor information to their location.

1️8. 42% of shoppers want online retailers to show if items are available in their nearest store.

1️9. In addition, 80% of consumers want location-based alerts from businesses.

Marketing Personalization Statistics

2️0. 59% of consumers say personalized engagement based on past interactions is crucial for winning their business.

2️1. 70% of users say understanding their personal needs influences their loyalty.

2️2. 1 in 3 marketers spend at least half of their budgets on personalization.

Website Personalization ROI 

2️3. Personalization can make marketing spending up to 30% more efficient.

2️4. Personalization can cut customer acquisition costs by up to 50%.

2️5. Companies excelling at personalization earn 40% more than their competitors.


2️6. The average conversion rate for pop-ups is 3.09%, but top performers hit 9.28%

2️7. A targeted popover can boost monthly subscription rates by 600%.

Top Website Personalization Examples

Here are some impressive examples of website personalization in e-commerce.


Differentiating between new and returning customers is a popular website personalization strategy.

Glossier uses this by displaying tailored messages on their landing pages with a sticky bar. New visitors see a 10% discount code for first purchases.

This simple, effective approach shows that personalization can be easy!

Glossier’s personalized landing page


Amazon is the king of website personalization, with a homepage full of tailored recommendations and content.

Almost everyone has an Amazon account, and the company effectively uses all the information they have on each customer. Their homepage features personalization based on your name and address.

Amazon’s personalized homepage

They recommend products based on what you browse and buy, ensuring the suggestions match your interests. Offering these tailored suggestions increases website engagement as a result.

Amazon’s product-recommendations homepage


Using location data to personalize messages is another common website personalization strategy.

Macy’s uses a pop-up to let visitors from a specific location know they ship to their country.

Macy’s personalized homepage

But Macy’s doesn’t stop there—they also customize their product pages with currency details, recommended sizes, and product suggestions.

Macy’s product page


Etsy recommends products based on what each visitor browses. Reminding users about items they recently viewed is a great way to boost sales.

Etsy’s personalized homepage


OliveOilLovers smartly uses a personalized pop-up with a discount code applied directly to the products in your cart. It guarantees that you'll make a purchase with those items in your cart.

OliveOilLovers’ personalized “pop-up” homepage


Website personalization is essential for modern businesses, driving engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty. By tailoring experiences and content based on user preferences and behaviors, companies can significantly enhance their competitive edge and bottom-line results.

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